AmigaSoc UK
Official UGN representatives for the United Kingdom
The price for a 12 issue subscription of Amiga Format now costs less! Don't miss out! Click here to subscribe now!   AmigActive is the UK's newest Amiga magazine, and the price of subscription is fantastically cheap! Click here for details on subscribing now!
Well, it's that time of year again. We'll be jetting off to Cologne for a slightly shorter visit this year. As luck would have it, one of our colleagues decided to select the same weekend to get married as the show. Really, some people have no consideration! Undeterred, we're going anyway, even if it does mean that there'll be a mad dash back to England to make it in time!

What's new this month ? Well, apart from our usual helping of lookalikes, make sure you check out the news item on the User Group Discount Scheme. After a long delay, it's back in business and ready to go. User groups from across the country are participating in the scheme, and so if you're not already a member of a user group, then get moving!

Until next month...

Welcome to the AmigaSoc UK home pages. AmigaSoc are dedicated
to supporting Amiga users, developers, and retailers in the UK
(and where possible, the world). For a more detailed description
of who we are and what we've done for the Amiga community in the
past, read this.

As far as our website is concerned, we aim to provide a
comprehensive suite of online Amiga-related services.
Whether you're looking for your local user group, Amiga dealers,
after some sort of second hand Amiga kit, or are having a
spot of bother with your machine, we've got the lot!

Officially endorsed
User Organisation
This site is sponsored by   IMMStudios
All material (both graphical and textual) on this site is copyright AmigaSoc UK and may not not be used elsewhere without our consent. The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of IMM Studios Ltd.